Skedus is a serious game that can help you learn lots of words in lots of languages, while having fun... Just play, it’s completely free! You will find on this page how come does Skedus get it right. If you ever want to read up more on the Skedus project itself, it's HERE.
play and progress
Skedus is a true serious game: players really have fun playing there, while learning, they don't have to choose between the two. You can then enhance skills like: 1° languages: Skedus helps you learn common or even rare languages, whether ancient or minority ones. 2° memory: Skedus gives you the words just before asking them from you, so that you can take the time you need to learn them before. 3°swiftness: Skedus allows you (if you wish) to record you performances, to have a look on your progress and even to challenge other players. Everybody seeks to fulfill his (her) own purpose, and you can change the rules to meet your needs. You can even cheat! Besides, Skedus lets you choose the style that meets you tastes between thousands of possible combinations.
Question n°2 : How would you say le sac à main in german ?
let's go!
I tried to make playing in Skedus as fast as easy. All you need is five clicks and less than a minute to start a game.
You only have to go on the game page, and choose :
1° Two languages, the former for the questions and the latter for the answers, but you can swap them later. Available languages are now english, german, breton, french, russian, latin.
2° A topic from a list, which takes into account the common entries of the languages you have picked out. The numbers in brackets refers to the number of available entries.
3°A level, which stands for the number of questions. 10 is minimum and 80 is maximum. If you have chosen to record your performances, the more higher the level, the more better the score.
Let us take here french as a first language, breton as a second language, vehicles as a topic and 20 as a level.
You have chosen french as a first language.
You have chosen breton as a second language.
You have chosen human body as a topic.
You have chosen 20 as a level.
Okay, let’s go! You are given first all the words that will be asked from you, so that you can take the time you need to learn them before playing.
Don’t worry if you are still afraid of wobbling : you can allow yourself to cheat... only when necessary, of course. Let it be said that you're revising!
You are now given the words :
la voiture | ar kc'harr |
l'hélicoptère | ar bviñsaskell |
le bulldozer | an tourter |
le vaisseau | al lestr |
la carriole | ar kgariolenn |
le radeau | ar radell (f.) |
... | ... |
More options are available. You can either :
1° get other words,
2° swap the languages (from french vs english to english vs french for example),
3° shuffle the questions (they will be asked out of order),
or 4° cheat as promised.
Unlike settings that can be changed on the settings page, these options will apply only for this round.
More options :
If you choose to cheat, the right answer won’t be given automatically, but on click.
You can change the rules : set up the number of jokers, turn on or off the stopwatch and even call on the mystery... All of these rules will be explained a little further.
The final click will launch the game. Your settings and options shall apply, so that you will be asked all the words that have been given, in the way you have chosen first.
Here we are!
how does it work?
Each time a question is asked, three possible answers are taken from the list, and you have to pick out amongst them... but you may be wrong!
If so, a joker is automatically played, so that you can give another answer. The number of used jokers is shown at top right of your screen.
Unlike other games, what really matters is not the number of correct answers, but the number of jokers and the time it takes you to reach the goal.
It's very simple : the less you need jokers, the less time you take to answer, and the more you assimilate the words you have learned.
Question n°7 : How would you say la voiture in breton ?
Anyway, your results are given at the end of the game: the number of jokers and the time you needed (if any), then the questions on which you can still progress.
It took 1569.16 seconds before you reach the goal.
You used 7 jokers.
You were wrong for the following questions :
- la voiture is said ar kc'harr in breton.
- le tandem is said an ambilher (m.) in breton.
- le tire-fesses is said ar fun-revr (m.) in breton.
Besides, we let you change the rules according to your needs through the options page :
1° You can set up the number of jokers. Unlimited is default, but you can get only one joker for 10 questions, or get a joker more each time you are right 10 questions in a row, or play Russian's roulette with your joker, or even play without any joker.
number of jokers
Watch out, though, for a limited number of jokers implies that they could run short, and you could then... lose the game.
No! You have lost..
You were wrong for the following questions :
- la voiture is said ar kc'harr in breton.
2° The stopwatch can be turned off if you want to go at your own pace.
3° Enable mystery if you want to spice up the questions. One of the three answers is hidden, so that you have to figure out first whether the two others are wrong. In that case, click on the hidden answer, and see...
4° The path option sets how the answers are put in the grid.
The bundled option (which is default) puts them side by side on the same row. You can see it in the previous examples.
The unbundled option puts them anywhere on that row.
The random option puts them... anywhere in the grid, so that you have to run from one to another: this is valuated in the score.
only the brave
Advanced learners and connoisseurs can play with texts that are taken from the finest literature. We work with these texts step-by-step and almost word-by-word, so that you can assimilate them easily. All you need is four clicks and less than a minute to start a game.
You only have to go on the play with texts page, and choose :
1° Two languages, the former for the text and the latter for the translations (you cannot swap them later of course). Available languages are now breton, english, french.
2° A gender from a list, which takes into account the common entries of the languages you have picked out. Let us take here breton as language of the text, french as language of the translations and poetry as a gender.
You have chosen breton as language of the text.
You have chosen french as language of the translations.
You have chosen poetry as a gender.
You are now given all texts that meet your wishes, and for each of them : its name, the book it has been taken from (if any), its author, its date and its country.
Malmanche, Tanguy | 1950 | |
(de acte I ) | (1885-1953) | Bretagne |
Le Bayon, Joseph | 1924 | |
(de acte II ) | (1876-1935) | Bretagne |
The whole text is given first, so that you can read it carefully. Don't worry if you don't understand parts of it, the translations that will be asked from you will be given later too. However, it is better to have some idea of the text before answering: don't forget that it sometimes happens that the right answer depends on the context!
An Antekrist
Setu amañ, tad, ar pezh am eus kavet. Elohim, pa’z eo ul liester, a c’hallfe bezañ an Dreinded. Neuze avat an den graet diouzh he skeudenn n’eo ket e tri person, a gement a oufen.
Aon am eus, va mab, n’ho pije ket lennet ar gwersed 27 gant daoulagad ar feiz.
Koulskoude, tad, n’eo ket gant ar feiz, gant ar grammel avat eo e vez graet an eksegesis. Neuze ’ta an droidigezh ger-evit-ger a zo evel-henn : Doue, liester, rak-se boud muiedik, a grouas an den, liester, rak-se an holl dud, diouzh E skeudenn ; o c’hrouiñ a reas gwaz ha maouez. « Gwaz ha maouez », taolit evezh, unander : rak-se, hini-ha-hini.
Ar skrid a zo sklaer a gav din : « An dud » a zo ar gwaz hag ar vaouez.
Evel-se, Doue a grouas ar gwaz hag ar vaouez, gwaz ha maouez.
Na diot eo kement-se !
Ar Skritur sakr eo. Hag o vezañ ma’z eo krouet an dud kentañ, gwaz ha maouez, diouzh skeudenn Doue, kement-se a ziskouez anat ez eo Doue, liester, gwaz ha maouez. Hogen Doue a zo unan. Ergo, bez’ e oant divreizhek.
An den divreizhek ! Doue, gwaz ha maouez ! Pe vlasfem eo hennezh ? Ha c’hwi a gredfe pretantiñ ez eus gant Doue, evel gant an den, kevrennoù mezhus ?
Ket, dre ma’z eo ur spered glan. Met pa lavarer : Doue a grou gant netra, daoust ha se ne dalv ket e tenn ganadur dioutañ e-unan, e-giz e ra al lili ? Ha n’eo ket al lili ar gwir c’hlander ?
AR PRIOL en ur sevel e zivskoaz
Lili ? Bleunioù ! Petra ’virfe ar burtul ? Ar burtul ivez a zo divreizhek.
Bezet ! Kement hini a vez buhez ennañ a zo bet krouet divreizhek, diouzh skeudenn Doue.
Tavit, va mab, tavit war se ! Kouezhañ a rit er fazi hag er falz-kredenn. Meur a hini a zo bet barnet d’an tan, ha n’o doa lavaret muioc’h. Ho tigareziñ a ran evelato. Re start e labourit. Faezh eo ho spered gant ar studi. Ret eo deoc’h diskuizhañ, va mab. Mont a ra war-zu an nor, ar Vibl gantañ.
Kas a rit ar Vibl ganeoc’h ?
A ran sur, pa n’ouzoc’h he lenn. (...)
AR BREUR YANN er-maez e vez klevet taolioù teñval.
Pe drouz eo hennezh ? Tachañ un arched pa rafed... Treiñ a ra, ha neuze e wel ez eo bet dallet ar prenestr, eus an diavaez, gant ur stalaf goad, enni un moan a doull-sklaeradur heskennet e doare ur groaz. Eus ar goueled e teu mouezhioù o tibunañ pedenn an anaon. Hastañ a ra d’an nor : morailhet eo hi. Klask a ra digeriñ an drafig ; serret eo hennezh eus an diavaez. Argilañ a ra ; du-fall eo anezhi bremañ.
MOUEZH AR PRIOL o c’hourganañ
Et requiescat in pace...
Amen !
Ar gouel a ziskenn goustadig.
More options are available. You can either :
1° get another text,
2° read a few words about the author,
3° be given the translations that will be asked from you,
4° shuffle the questions (they will be asked out of order),
or 5° cheat of course!
More options :
Tanguy Malmanche est l’un des plus grands écrivains bretons. Ses chefs d’œuvre sont des pièces de théâtre comme Gurvan, ar marc’heg estrañjour (1922), ar Baganiz (1931) et an Antekrist (1950).
Tanguy Malmanche reprend à son compte le fantastique breton de son enfance pour lui donner une profondeur insondable, mais très humaine, où l’auteur et le lecteur se croisent de page en page.
Now, choose a level for the number of questions. All means all available entries for that text.
You have chosen 20 as a level.
The game starts... Three answers are offered on click, and you have to pick the right one. Unlike what happens when you play with words, there is no second chance for the same question. If you are wrong, the correct answer is given with the next question.
No, ar pezh am eus kavet is said ce que j’ai trouvé in french.
Comment dirais-tu neuze avat en francais ?
Setu amañ, tad, ar pezh am eus kavet. Elohim, pa’z eo ul liester, a c’hallfe bezañ an Dreinded. Neuze avat an den graet diouzh he skeudenn n’eo ket e tri person, a gement a oufen.
Aon am eus, va mab, n’ho pije ket lennet ar gwersed 27 gant daoulagad ar feiz.
do even better
You can create an account and log in to record your performances. They will be available on the scores page, and ordered by languages and theme.
If you have already chosen two languages and a theme, you just completed a game for example, they will be default, so that you can get your score with a single click.
FRENCH versus BRETON for the topic VEHICLES
FRENCH versus GERMAN for the topic KEY WORDS
The graph allows you to have a look on your progress. You can store your up to 12 last rounds of the same languages and theme. Your best record is kept whatever be the number of rounds.
41.81 | 41.69 | ||||
37.08 | 37.59 | ||||
36.10 | |||||
34.32 | |||||
Your score is calculated according to the number of jokers per question, the time spent per question and the level (the higher the level, the more it is valued). Playing with some options may boost your score:
1° if the number of jokers option is set to limited or rechargeable, and much more to roulette or no joker.
2° if the mystery option is set.
3° if the path option is set to scattered.
4° if the shuffle option is set.
Only completed games without cheating option are counted.
You can also get a summary of your performances by looking at the averages. This give:
1° the number of recorded games
2° the number of jokers per question
3° the time spent per question
4° the level
5° the score
These averages are compared to your best record. As a reminder, this record is stored whatever be the number of games.
If you have chosen the public recording option, you can compare your averages to those of other players.
By choosing the public recording option, you will rank yourself amongst the best players. Challenge them till you win the first place!
customize Skedus
You can set up the look of Skedus, and I make it a point of giving you a true choice. I can't recreate your own world... but I'm trying to. To this end, go to the settings page. You can set up the website itself first. You can then set up the grid of the game more specifically.
Your settings will be stored if you logged in, so that you can get them back the next time you play in Skedus.
It is the nicest part of this presentation (I saved the best for last), so it would be a shame not to go for it.
The website theme includes a set of graphic settings that apply in overlap to the whole website. Those settings are:
1° the colors, each theme has three colors associated with,
2° the background, namely the picture used as wallpaper.
3° the main font, for the the name of the website, the navigation menu and the title of the other menus.
There are clear themes, where fonts are darker than the background, and dark themes, where contrast is reversed.
Dark themes are recommended for longer games, as they are easier on the eyes. That's why a dark theme is default.
website theme
The mode allows you to set up how the website (blocks, menus, buttons...) is displayed. The same theme may thus be shown in very different ways.
The bubbly (which is default) and the wobbly mode generate the look of the website with random values, such as angles, opacity, rotation...
The geek mode is different too, as it disables many settings.
The icon theme allows you to set up the main topic of the icons.
We already saw the medieval, people and kitchen themes in the previous examples. Let us take there animals, technics and sea themes:
icon theme
The icon display allows you to set up how icons, well, are displayed on the grid. You can then replace them by something else or... by nothing at all.
icon display
random :
bordered :
colored (front) :
colored (back) :
unique :
dark :
transparent :
Some displays are special, for they involve not only colours, but also smooth transitions between them.
radial bordered :
radial centered :
Would you believe it? The grid background allows you to set up how the background of the grid will be displayed. The coloured one can be replaced by something else or... by nothing at all.
grid background
bordered :
transparent :
dark :
reversed :
Some backgrounds are special, for they involve not only colours, but also smooth transitions between them.
Those backgrounds are very well suited to the random display of the icons.
radial bordered :
radial centered :
lattice :
The default grid size sets the grid to a sensible size for your screen. In landscape mode, the sense of the grid will then be vertical. In portrait mode, it will be horizontal (see opposite).
However, it might be helpful to set it yourself if your screen has a particular setup, or if you have special needs (vision problems for example).
In that case, you'd better create an account. Your settings would be stored, so that you could get them back the next time you play.
In other cases, you should leave the size of the grid as it is.
grid size